For the shortest month of the year, I decided to do a slightly smaller puzzle than usual; 17×17 instead of 21×21. This makes the puzzle quicker to solve and allows me to use larger font size on the clues. Please let me know which size you prefer (17×17 like this one, or 21×21 like last month’s).
- Download as a PDF for printing: 1-pg format or 3-pg format
- Download in .puz format for import into a crossword app: 2023-02.puz
- Get the solution (spoiler alert!): 2023-02_Solution.pdf
Or web-solve it!:
You can skip the downloads and just solve the puzzle right here, right now:
Oops. Yes, it’s the French spelling. I’ll update the clue to reflect that. Thanks.
I enjoy those types of cookies too 🙂